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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What are the current treatments for beta-thalassemia?

A person with beta thalassemia minor has slightly low hemoglobin level in the blood. It is a sort of mild anemia caused due to the beta-thalassemia condition which closely resembles mild iron-deficiency anemia.

In thalassemia minor, the patients normally do not require any specific beta-thalassemia treatment. It is a kind of hereditary condition and the patient must be aware of it. Although, sometimes the physician might mistakenly consider it as an iron deficiency disorder.

Beta-thalassemia treatment depends upon which kind of thalassemia you have and how severe it is. 

In case of thalassemia major few of the following treatment options are available:

  •     Iron chelation therapy
  •     Transfusion therapy which sometimes has to be long-term
  •    Splenectomy is also required at times in severe cases during         beta-  thalassemia treatment
  •   Hematopoietic transplantation is another choice to treat the     condition
  •     Another supportive measure etc.

If treatment is mandatory for mild thalassemia?

Every mild thalassemia does not require treatment. Although some of the cases might require occasional transfusions like after any surgery or pregnancy etc. It becomes very important to share your medical history with your doctor to avoid complications during any procedure you intend to undergo. Beta-thalassemia treatment is given to those patients who require it.

What treatments are preferred for moderate to severe thalassemia?

Among several options of beta-thalassemia treatments following are the ones which are preferred mostly in maximum cases:

 Long-term blood transfusions: During beta-thalassemia treatment blood transfusion is required frequently and usually every few weeks in severe thalassemia cases. Prolonged blood transfusions lead to an iron buildup in the body causing unintended damage to organs like liver, heart etc. Further to eliminate excessive accumulated iron few medications can be prescribed to the patient for a specific time duration.

 Stem cell transplant: A bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant might be required during beta-thalassemia treatment in adults as well as in children who are born with thalassemia. This helps to minimize the blood transfusions and drug dependency for beta-thalassemia treatment. However, this procedure requires stem cell infusion of a compatible donor which mainly is a sibling in most cases. Matching stem cells can be looked for even in cord blood banks, but finding a match is a tedious task in that case.

Is there any safe home remedy to rely upon as beta-thalassemia treatment?

Thalassemia can be managed and its symptoms can be minimized without actually looking for beta-thalassemia treatment. Following are few home tips:

• You must avoid excessive iron intake until your doctor recommends you to take it as a supplement.

• Eating a healthy balanced diet helps to combat condition without beta-thalassemia treatment.
 Chances of catching any sort of infections must be minimized by maintaining hygiene and avoiding public places and taking vaccines. This prevents further complications during beta-thalassemia treatment especially in patients who underwent spleen removal.

About BloodCancerCure:

BloodCancerCure is the world’s first such organization working 24*7 on helping blood cancer patients. BloodCancerCure works for patients across the world by providing the lowest cost for bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and Bone marrow test. You can contact at +91-8448533753 to talk to our experts at BloodCancerCure for BMT treatment in India.

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