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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

When to undergo treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia?

When to undergo treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia?

What is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia?

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is a type of blood cancer, specifically a type of leukaemia. This form of cancer is closely associated with white blood cells. A specific type of white blood cells, called lymphocytes are affected and turn malignant. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is different from the other blood cancers as it is slow-progressing compared to other forms of leukaemia. it commonly affects older individuals.

What are the symptoms that can be seen in a person with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia?

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia does not show any symptoms in the initial stages of the disease. As cancer progresses, varying symptoms begin to manifest.
  • ·         Rapid weight loss
  • ·         Fever with night sweats
  • ·         Tiredness and fatigue
  • ·         Enlarged lymph nodes which do not cause much pain
  • ·         Frequent infections
  • ·         Enlarged spleen which may be tender.

Only when one or more symptoms are persistently present, there is a serious need for treatment. This is usually in an intermediate to an advanced stage of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms for a long time, consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

What are the treatment options for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia?

Treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is dependent on the stage of leukaemia. if the patient is diagnosed at an early stage and there are no serious symptoms that are seen, there is no need for any medical treatment as such. Instead, the patient requires a continuous and keen observation by the doctor. The levels of blood cells are to be continuously checked. This period is called the period of watchful waiting. It has been observed that early treatment does not provide any cure for the patient as such, nor does it help in making the cancerous condition better. The side effects from the treatment have more of a harmful effect that the benefits offered by the treatment itself. Therefore, until the symptoms are persistent and the stage of cancer is intermediate to advanced, there is no need for any medical treatment.

Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in intermediate and advanced stages:

In the advanced stages, the patient will exhibit the symptoms of the condition and this is when treatment can be started. There are many treatment modalities when it comes to treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. They may be used as a combination or individually. 

The most commonly preferred treatment options are:

  Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy refers to the usage of drugs to destroy the cancerous cells. they work by acting on the cell cycle of the rapidly multiplying cells. These drugs target not only the cancerous cells but also the healthy cells which are rapidly dividing. The chemotherapeutic agents may be delivered as a pill, tablet or even intravenously. These drugs have their own set of side effects which have to be carefully analysed and managed.
   Immunotherapy: Our body is naturally equipped with immune cells which are capable of destroying other foreign substances and harmful cells. immunotherapy makes it easier for these cells to detect and destroy cancerous cells.
   Targeted drug Therapy: This is a type of treatment which is very similar to chemotherapy. The only difference is that they target the cancer cells specifically and the damage to other cells is lesser.
   Stem cell Transplantation: this is a recent development for the treatment of blood cancer. In this technique, the patient’s stem cells are collected and stored. High doses of chemotherapeutic agents are administered to destroy the cancerous cells. The stored stem cells are transplanted back into the patient which now produce healthy and vital blood cells. Although this technique sounds perfect in theory, it is not compatible with all patients and all cases. One must consider all the side effects and complications of this procedure before opting for it.

Treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia depends entirely on the stage of cancer and the seriousness of the symptoms experienced by the patient. Not all patients require treatment, but close observation is essential.

Also Read: Is Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia treatable?

About BloodCancerCure:

BloodCancerCure is world’s first such organization working 24*7 on helping blood cancer patients. BloodCancerCure works for patients across world by providing the lowest cost for bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and Bone marrow test. You can contact at +91-8448533753 to talk to our experts at BloodCancerCure for BMT treatment in India.

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