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Sunday, December 16, 2018

What is the overall cost of treatment for sickle cell anaemia in india?

What is Sickle Cell Anaemia?

Sickle cell anaemia is a medical condition where the red blood cells are produced defectively. It is a genetic disorder which is inherited. In a healthy human being, the red blood cells are disc-shaped so that they have increased surface area and the cells can pass through narrow passages easily. But in the case of sickle cell anaemia, the cells are crescent-shaped and this makes them sticky and also reduces the surface area for carrying oxygen. The blood flow is slowed down or stopped and the oxygen content is also reduced.

What are the symptoms observed in a patient with Sickle Cell Anaemia?

A variety of symptoms are seen in patients with sickle cell anaemia. These are mostly related to the destruction of red blood cells and the complications that follow. The following are the common symptoms seen in a patient with sickle cell anaemia:

·  Anaemia: This is a condition where the amount of oxygen transferred to the body cells is reduced due to the rapid destruction of red blood cells. In sickle cell anaemia, the cells are destroyed within 10 to 20 days, whereas in an adult human being the cells are destroyed within 120 days. This leads to tiredness and fatigue.

·  Infections: In sickle cell anaemia, the cells cause damage to the spleen. The spleen is responsible for providing immunity. In a sickle cell anaemia patient, the immune system is relatively low, making them prone to infections.

·  Painful episodes: The sickle-shaped cells obstruct the flow of blood through narrow blood vessels. This can cause serious pain within the body. the pain may last for a few minutes to hours and sometimes, even weeks. The patient may also experience bone pain. The intensity of pain also varies from person to person. In some serious cases of sickle cell anaemia, the patient may even have the need to be hospitalised. The hands and feet also swell up due to this obstruction.

·  Stunted growth: oxygen is vital for the growth of cells. when there is less oxygen as in the case of sickle cell anaemia, there is less growth and this causes a delay in growth.

·  Visual disturbance: The small blood vessels of the retina are clogged by the red blood cells and this leads to visual problems.

What are the treatment options for Sickle Cell Anaemia?

There is no treatment to cure sickle cell anaemia, but many therapeutic treatments are there which help alleviate the symptoms.

·   Pain medications: Depending on the intensity of pain, the doctor can prescribe simple non-steroidal drugs to stronger steroidal pain killers as a part of the treatment.

·   Antibiotics: Patients are given antibiotics as their immunity is naturally low and the risk of infection is high. This treatment is only for prevention of infections.

· Hydroxyurea: Another medicine that is still under clinical research is a  hydroxyurea. This drug is said to stimulate the spleen to release foetal haemoglobin cells which is said to prevent the formation of sickle cells. There are some controversies regarding the use of this drug as it increases the risk of infections.

·  Blood Transfusions: Since there is less amount of functional red blood cells circulating in the body, the amount of oxygen is also less. Regular transfusions can provide temporary relief to the patient but come with many complications like increased risk of infections and iron build-up.

·   Bone Marrow Transplantation: In this treatment, bone marrow stem cells are collected from an appropriate donor, matched with the patient and stored. The patient is then given high doses of chemotherapy so that the stem cells are destroyed. The stem cells are then transplanted to the patient so that healthy cells are produced. This procedure has high risks and is usually considered only in children with severe symptoms.

What is the overall cost of treatment in India?

The cost of treatment for sickle cell anaemia depends on the mode of treatment selected for the patient. If the patient is planning to undergo blood transfusions, the cost of a single transfusion is around ₹500 to ₹900 for one single bag of packed cell unit.

If the patient is considering a stem cell transplantation procedure, the cost of the treatment is much more. The rough estimate of cost for a stem cell transplantation is ₹20 lakh to ₹40 lakh.

Also Read: Can a sickle cell crisis occur in patient with sickle cell trait?

About BloodCancerCure:

BloodCancerCure is world’s first such organization working 24*7 on helping blood cancer patients. BloodCancerCure works for patients across the world by providing the lowest cost for bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and Bone marrow test. You can contact at +91-8448533753 to talk to our experts at BloodCancerCure for BMT treatment in India.

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